
A blog of all my most recent photos

Holiday Favorites

3 is kinda a big deal

Not sure if you knew this, but turning 3 years old is kinda a big deal. This is the kind of enthusiasm I cherish as a photographer. And even when the wind (which I always love too) isn't quite cooperating, it doesn't even matter cause this kids face as his balloons blow sideways, is priceless. Happy Birthday Ryan!

Showering a Momma-to-be

The smile on the face of this Momma-to-be says it all. A perfect event with perfect light and fabulous colors. I loved capturing this special moment.


It was nice to get away from our home town and visit family in Virginia for Thanksgiving. Just a little sampling of some of the warm, relaxing day...

Adventures of an Art Director

I'm back at it again, shooting some photos for day job. I'll be honest, this was my first attempt at taking real "studio" portraits. I give credit to anyone who knows how to studio light something. It's a lot different then the natural light I'm used to. These may not have been lit perfectly but I still love how they came out. I actually love the dramatic highlights and shadows that were created. A special thank you to all my fellow co-workers who, one, let me take their portrait and two, who were extremely patient as I fumbled with the lights. These are a few of my favorites...