
A blog of all my most recent photos

Jay and Lisa

This event could not have been planned more perfectly. A beautiful spring wedding for a beautiful bride, at Saratoga National Golf Club. The gorgeous light and bright colors really shine thru. Maybe the only fall back were the cold dark clouds looming above us but you wouldn't be able to tell with all the warmth in these photos. I just love all these photos. Congrats to Jay and Lisa and thank you again for letting me be part of your special day.

Folk Portrait

I love photographing portraits and when they are music related portraits I love shooting them even more. Needless to say when Zan asked me to take her newest promo photos, I was all in, even if I had to bring the kids as my assistants. Couldn't have asked for a better day shooting an amazing artist. Check out her music.

Check out a few outakes with my favorite little assistants

Welcome a New Addition

It's now spring and the "snow baby" has arrived. This little one was less then a week old when I spent a sunny Sunday morning capturing his cute baby rolls. I love the joy and excitement in this families eyes, even the pup was excited. 

Worth The Wait...

Not much more to say about this newborn shoot, other then this kid was def. worth the wait. 

365 Captured - Week 11

I'm challenging myself to take a photo a day for 365 days. Here is Week 11, as you can see I'm a few weeks behind. This was the week of the giant March storm and I think this grouping really gives you a feel for the week.

71 / 365

72 / 365

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77 / 365