
A blog of all my most recent photos

Jamie And John

Happiness was truly the prize at the end of the rainbow for Jamie and John on their wedding day. This amazing couple spent the day at the Historic Barns of Nipmoose with their closest family and friends. The love these two share is one for the record books. I will have to say as a photographer I couldn't be happier with the images captured from the day. Every photo of this beautiful couple in this beautiful place took my breath away. Cheers to Jamie and John and thank you for letting me share in your day. I loved every minute of it I honestly had a hard time selecting photos to share for this blog post. And so it starts with the dress...


Brendan and Beth


I've been going to local punk shows with Brendan for close to 15 years. So when this fellow artist/designer/music lover reached out to me about shooting his upcoming nuptials, I was stoked.  I was even more excited to hear about him marrying a super sweet girl who happens to share the same name as me. Such a cool couple needed a cool unique look for this blog post. So I decided they looked amazing in technicolor and black & white.

starting it off right...

...time to say I do...

...all dressed up, better get some portraits...


Formalities are over. Now it's time to party...
barn style, bbq and breaking it down on the dance floor

Thanks for letting me be there to capture your moment. This time it wasn't on-stage at Valentine's, but I thought it was just as cool. One last cheers from an old friend to another. Congrats Brendan and Beth! -Love Beth

Folk Portrait - Take 2

Zan is still one of my favorite ladies to work with. She has an amazing confidence about her so I jumped at the chance to shoot some more images for her most recently recorded album. We decided on two locations for this shoot. Her apartment, which has amazing light and was the place where she actually recorded the album. And the second location, one of our friends beautiful hay farms, where the summer sun will never let you down. With this amazing women and amazing locations it was hard decide what ones to share so please enjoy the selects below.


The off to the farm we went, just in time to hit the magical golden hour. I'm so pleased with how these images came out. It was a beautiful night. If you want to check out Zan's music, click here.

Luchadors in Queens

It's always exciting to get out of the normal paid event and try shooting something different. A little bit of lucha libre wrestling on a Saturday night in Queens is always exciting. 

Never a dull moment

One of the easiest family shoots I've done. These guys know how to relax in front of the camera and have fun. We decided on a location they had never been before and it made for some great exploring, climbing trees, animal spotting and lots of laughter. And just like the title of this blog, it was never a dull moment. I just love how these pics came out.